My favorite things

My camera:

My favorite thing to do in every moment of the day is thake pictures whit my camera.
I bought my camera in 2014, when i went to New York whit my family, and since them I thake pictures to everything and i take it to everywhere.

I use my camera whit a tripod, tripod is a support whit three "legs" and I use to make shot's in the dark because you need to stay still to get it right.

I try to use it in the week but is difficult when you need to study and you are out of classes at 6 pm and arrive home like 8 pm. but in the weekend I walk in the street thaking pictures whit my friend Klaus, is so funny because I talk to him and he make's joke's when we walk and thake pictures.

I like use my camera because it make's me happy and relaxed. I like when my friend's ask for if I want to take a picture's. the only bad thing of take pictures to my friend's is somethimes I dont be in the picuters.

I don't know how be my life whitout my camera.

Some photo's:


  1. it so cool that you like the photography i think is a fantastic and a very funny hobbie because you can take picture of everything that you want

  2. The camera also is my favorite thing! The camera is the best thing of the life! :)

  3. Hey, I love taking pictures too. It`s so relaxing and refreshing when you capture moments.

  4. mmm, i see you as a future jordi castell. I think you have talent my little boy.


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