What's your opinion??

What is your opinion about recycling?

I think recycling is one of thousand way's to contribute the world's change's be slowly, try to conserve the CO2 level's in the admosphere and make useful a big amount of trash.

What is your opinion about climate change?

The climate change in the earth concern all kind of life in the planet and we need to do something.
is prove the pollution is the fisrt cause for the rise of CO2 level's in the admosphere, and this rise of Carbon make the earth heat up, drought's and flood.

Whats your opinion abut women in the Military?
i agree for hat, the women's are very brave and can do the same work's than men's.
maybe the women doesn't have the same strength than the men, but the women have otter's abilities.

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

In my opinion, abortion must be legal in some case, in case when the mother is endarger her life or when the future kid will suffer. 

What is your opinion about “barras bravas”?

I don't like football and i don't like barras bravas, I think the people who make up barras bravas are sometimes aggressive when the team of football are missing the match.

