National Geographic Website


I like this photo because my favorite mammalian is the lion, and I like this photo because be in there it must be extraordinary. Be there in the presence of a lion, an animal, who show its strength and power.
I like the moment of the picture, the rain and the lion watching the savannah


I like the birds and specialy the macaw, I like the color of its feathers and how they fly in group.
I like how they "climbs" the rocks, and I like the place too, the green of the threes and the mud in the water.


I like this picture because the stopping of the sea water are beautiful and very artistic. I like the fangs of the Walrus, I dont know how it can live with these big fangs without bump into the ground.

I'm agree with the video when it say we need to preserve the ocean life, because the life in the ocean are very important to the ecosystem and any problem of the sea life are directly related with the humans.


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